Artistic Statement
My performances and writings are artifacts for dealing with the question of time in a particular moment. They are vehicles for its modification.
Time, for me, is a magical being. It has the power to change not only its flow but also its appearance and our perception of its run. It plays with each participant and creates numerous unique events in one instant.
I believe that creativity is the bridge between time and human beings, and it represents a possibility of coming closer to the time in this rare moment of presence. By combining real sounds with the spoken and written word, I create the space for possibilities and self-interpretations. There are no differences between sounds. Each of them is extraordinary and precious. The most natural existence for me is silent slowness because it offers space for the inner life of every present element and provides pure sincerity.
In my artwork, I am mirroring the utopic version of the real world. I am interested in the inconspicuous sound of nature, such as scratching stones, crackling bark, or falling leaves. Slackening things, letting them free, and using daily life objects work as a resistance to fast-moving society.