Communicating Vessels
Communicating Vessels is a collective work by five composer-performers commissioned by the festival Exposition of New Music. Lasting for an hour, this acoustic experience was conceived specifically for the unique site of Brno’s water cisterns, which visitors will be able to explore both acoustically and spatially. Communicating Vessels celebrates the preservation of matter in various states that have become so ubiquitous in our daily lives we hardly perceive them anymore. The drinking glass, coffee cup, jar and water bucket evolved extremely slowly yet have become indispensable objects to us. We can describe a perceiving and thinking person as a vessel – their mind can accommodate a variety of contents. As with hydrostatic pressure, with a person
what matters is not the amount of liquid but “the depth of the vessel“…
The work was commissioned by the Exposure Festival of New Music on the occasion of the Year of Czech Music 2024.
Radim Hanousek saxophone, bass clarinet
Michal Wróblewski saxophone
Frantisek Chaloupka electric guitar
Ian Mikyska microtonal electric guitar
Kristýna Švihálková drums
(October 2024)
Original text can be found in this booklet.

Photo: Jan Prokopius

Photo: Jan Prokopius